Saturday, December 19, 2009


Baby K with my kiddos on Thanksgiving

Baby K with Luke

Baby K on her first day home from the NICU

Over the last 6 years we have the opportunity to care for 13 foster care children in our home. At times we would welcome them in with a couple of hours notice. Each holds a special place in my heart (2 of them becoming my own children). They all had a story, that would make most shake their heads in disbelief. Little people, too little for the burdens they would already have to carry. One of my favorite little people to come in our home was Baby K. She was my first experience with having an infant, and an infant with special needs. She was a preemie weighing just over 5 pounds when I picked her up from the NICU. She moved on from our home when she was 7 months old. The last time I saw her she was 18 months (she is nearly 3 and half now). I have often wondered about her.

Sometimes God allows us to look through windows at His plan. Yesterday I had the opportunity to look through a window. God decided to once again bring Baby K back into my life (although this time only as a person on the side line). Baby K is now a student at the school where I teach. I can only marvel at His mercy, and His all encompassing plan to remind us that the seeds we sew (even into babies) have a purpose. What a small world we live in, that windows are open for a glimpse into His plan.

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