Wednesday, December 9, 2009

As promised...

Here is a picture of baby girl. I love this picture as you can see her face. I continue to do well, but feel very tired at times. I am 23 weeks today. I have begun my registry at Target and Babies R Us. I am blessed to have most of the "big" items, but there are many things that I don't have based on the fact that both Luke and Grace were 13 months when they came to live with us. Our sweet baby has a name but it will remain a surprise until she is born.

We began our childbirth classes a few weeks ago. I am not sure how I feel about them yet. The teacher is a little high strung for me, but I will give them another week before I make my final decision if I am done or not. I am still not sure how I want my labor to be (pain meds and all). I feel that the baby is going to come however the baby feels silly to me to plan for something that may or may not happen.

In other news, my brother finally set a wedding date for September 17, 2009, so we are excited to finally be planning that. We will be going down to southern, ca for the wedding and a trip to Disneyland. Four of us are going to be in the wedding, and I am not sure who the baby is going to be with during the wedding but I figure there will be some willing hands to hold her. After I give birth, I will be going on weight watchers. They have a program for breastfeeding mothers. Hopefully, 5 months is enough time to look decent in the bridesmaid dress. I know I will never be skinny, but I want to look nice. I actually haven't gained that much weight this pregnancy. I lost 14 pounds the first trimester and I have gained back 6 pounds so far. I know towards the end of the pregnancy that I will be gaining because it just happens. Anyway, enough about weight gain talk.

We will also be going to Hawaii next November, so that will be a fun experience (and yes we are bringing all 3 children). Mark and I just don't travel well without our kiddos even if they are a lot of work.


  1. Good for you for traveling with your kids. For me, it's really not fun without the boys. I always wanted to be a mom, worked hard to bring them in to the world, and want to have them with me always. Plus I think it's great for the boys to create memories with us as a family.
    Can't wait to meet your little girl!

  2. My mom and I might be able to watch the little one!!!


Life At The Dahlhouse: Disneyland Style

In November, we were able to take a family vacation to Disneyland and to visit my brother, David and sister, Katie.  We enjoyed several m...