Wednesday, January 2, 2013


 Dear Mr. Dahl,
It is difficult for me to believe that we were this young when we got engaged ( just barely 19)!  We were practially babies!  I thought I loved you the most a person could love someone then.  Ahh but now...that love, that young love we had, has grown into a deeper love.  A love that only time, triumphs, and trial can grow.
 And oh how we have had our share of experiences, life adventures, triumphs and tragedies.  Life has not left us untouched.
 14 years ago this was us...saying "I do" and uniting together, to take on the to speak.  Oh the places we have been and the places I am sure we will go.
 How I wish our 14th was celebrated here....
 but more than Disney...celebrated here....together...
Someday our time for celebrating anniversaries sans children will come, but not today...not our 14th.  It was marked by work, therapy, dinner, baths and Wii Just Dance performed by 3 children (which remains to be the funniest thing I have seen in a LONG time).  14 was celebrated by delighting in caring for the 3 little people that we were incredibly and undeserving of.  Happy 14th Anniversary Mr. Dahl!

I love you more today than 14 years ago!
Simply stated you are my everything.
God math...1+1=1 
Celebrating 14 years of markissa.
Love you,

1 comment:

  1. 14 years... just a drop in the time of eternity!!! You are an amazing couple and I am so honored to know you and to watch you grow and mature into two wonderful people who love unconditionally and serve tirelessly!
    You are fantastic parents to 3 beautiful children who are growing up to be amazing in their own unique personalities.

    I am so very proud of you and the love and faith you exhibit every single day.

    Happy Anniversary!!!

    Much love to you both,

    Auntie Mary


Life At The Dahlhouse: Disneyland Style

In November, we were able to take a family vacation to Disneyland and to visit my brother, David and sister, Katie.  We enjoyed several m...