Sunday, March 14, 2010

36 weeks

My blood pressure continues to rise slowly. The doctor is now taking additional steps to ensure my safety and the baby's. I started non-stress tests bi-weekly at the hospital. This is where they hook me up to all the monitors and I push a button when I feel her move. Tomorrow I have another test and then an ultrasound to check the level of fluid in there. I see the doctor on Tuesday and maybe we might have some more answers, but it might be that we are just waiting. I have a c-section scheduled for April 9th but neither the doctor nor anyone else believes I am going to make it that far. I am swelling a lot in my hands and feet. I am pretty uncomfortable and it takes forever to fall asleep. I started maternity leave on Friday, so it is really starting to feel real.

My church gave me a baby shower today and my work gave me one last Wednesday. I am overwhelmed by the generosity of friends that they would think of us and spoil us with all this wonderful stuff. My heart is full.

I just wanted to give a quick update. I will post pictures and update after tomorrow's appointment.

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