Wednesday, February 17, 2010

33 Weeks

7 weeks left! I can hardly wait to meet her. I can't believe that I am 33 weeks pregnant. Well...I feel 33 weeks pregnant :) I had another doctor's appointment on Tuesday and all is well. My blood pressure is normal, baby is growing on target and sounds good. So, I will return in another 2 weeks for another appointment. The baby turned head down so I am getting a lot of movement and kicks very high up near my ribs (fun). Also, the baby is having the hiccups a lot which is very interesting.

I am not sleeping well these days. Between getting up and going to the bathroom and not being able to sleep on my stomach, I am pretty miserable. I am still working my short shift at school. The doctor sees no reason to take me off work at this point, so I am waddling around the school. I am pretty big and have gotten all the "fun" comments that go with it. If I hadn't suffered from infertility for 7 years I might have taken offense to some of the comments, but I don't mind.

I am starting to look forward to not being pregnant and getting back into the swing of things with my kids. I miss not being the mom on the floor and playing with the kids. This has been one of the most difficult things of this pregnancy is how much it has affected my body and how I have been unable to function like my normal self. I will however miss feeling her move around. I hope I can remember that feeling forever.

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