Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Miss B

Don't let her stunning blue eyes and long blonde hair fool you that she is mild mannered.  This child...I heart her so much.  The things that she says!!!  She seriously has an amazing since of humor.

Last week, I asked her to go get the mail.  She obliged my request, came back inside and handed me the pile of mail only to declare, "There is nothing but a buttload of bills."  I laughed so hard.  Seriously...I am quite certain that she got that expression from her father.  Ha!  Keeping it real over at The Dahlhouse.  Happy Tuesday!

Friday, April 5, 2019

Life @ The Dahlhouse: Week 12

Week 12 began celebrating this little unicorn's 9th birthday!  Seriously...when did she turn 9!!!
Unicorns are her jive and I was more than happy to oblige her theme and personality.  Just give her all the unicorns and rainbows.
We had a small family party at our home to recognize all three of the March birthday club, along with the grandparents.
Everyone needed some candles to blow out...even Man Cub (who since has asked to do "happy to you" each time we have had dessert.

Bella's birthday was Barbie Palooza and literally every time I turn around....bam...another Barbie!  But I admit...I kind of really like it. I was a Barbie girl growing up and I enjoy all the tiny food, animals and dishes as much as B.

Man Cub keeps me on my toes...he is full of imagination and a strong will.  Haha

On Thursday of week 12, we went to see Luke give his presentation book comparison in his English class.  I was really proud of how he is able to speak in front of his peers.
I also got a much needed haircut in week 12.  Keeping up with 4 kiddos leaves little time to manage my hair and I found all I was doing was putting it up all the time.  So I had Christina cut it short.  It was like a weight was lifted and I am enjoying the lightness it brings.
Mark and Matthew took down his baby crib.  Matthew was my only baby that never tried to climb out of the crib.  Although, he did manage to climb into the crib and then  scream in protest for someone to come and rescue him.  It is bittersweet for me.  The last baby...the last crib...such happiness for new stages and such sadness for it passing too quickly.
The end of week 12 saw me beginning Man Cub's special education evaluation with the Battle Ground School District.  He had a screening a couple weeks ago and the multi-disciplinary team saw the same concerns in adaptive, communication and social-emotional areas.  So we have dove into the deep end and will hopefully have their decision soon.  In the meantime, we walk forward in hope.

Life At The Dahlhouse: Disneyland Style

In November, we were able to take a family vacation to Disneyland and to visit my brother, David and sister, Katie.  We enjoyed several m...