I can't believe a month has already flown by! Where does the time go? Isabella is a good baby. She is a delight and a little bit spoiled (but that is ok right now). She is held all the time. We celebrated her one month birthday by taking her and kiddos to the zoo. It had been way over a year since we had been to the zoo. I didn't do much while I was pregnant. The kiddos were thrilled to go. We kept Luke home from school so that he could have much needed day off. He worked so hard this work doing their standardized testing. He was just "done" yesterday.
I continue to feel well. I have to be careful not to overdo it because then I start to feel pain in my incision.
Bella in her "My auntie loves me bib"
Bella in her red and white outfit (which by the way doesn't fit anymore).
Luke and Grace at the zoo.
Bella "enjoying" the zoo
Luke and Grace playing drums at the zoo.