Monday, August 29, 2011

Our New TV Star, Goggles and Ketchup

Last Thursday, Grace was on TV!!!! It doesn't get much more exciting than this around here!  My Aunt is regular on AM Northwest and needed a child model for the face paint kit she was promoting so she asked Grace.  My aunt and uncle even got her a little cheer leading outfit (and yes we will reuse it for Halloween)!  Thank you for providing this GREAT opportunity for her Aunt Shirley!  It is always nice to have a special one-on-one time with your children.  

 Grace outside the TV studio at KATU.

 Grace right before her segment with Aunt Shirley.

 Grace in the "Green" room watching AM northwest.

 Pre-show face paint.

 Just hanging around the set :)

Grace on the set of AM Northwest.

If you want to see the segment Grace modeled for click Grace on AM Northwest.

And now just for fun a little update on the rest of our life (post TV debut.)   After watching Grace on TV about 100 times, Luke found some goggles he really liked and in fact wore them to bed and fell asleep :)  AMAZING how that kid can fall asleep sometimes!  He spent the weekend at Mimi and Papa's which proved to be so much fun!

Grace never ceases to amaze me with her fabulous funny faces!  

And Miss B is taking lessons from her big sister in the funny face department!  I LOVE the scrunched nose.

And finally a "tribute to Uncle D".  This baby girl LOVES her some KETCHUP.  No french fry is required....whole hand dipping is preferred.  She has NYHOFF in her!!!!


  1. It was so much fun being with you and the kids. Grace is a natural. And I hope you have a Costco card because they sell BIG bottles of Ketchup. Is she a true Heinz Only Nyhoff? Love Ya Uncle Dwayne

  2. It was so much fun!!!! We do have a Costco card and Burgerville is a Heinz only restaurant. Who knows with that little one :)

  3. I so enjoyed reading this and watching Grace on the web on tv :) she is just adorable and I think TV suits her. We send you guys our love and big hugs to the kiddies. Listened to my special book today; always makes me cry. Luke is too cute sleeping in his goggles! And Miss B is too much eating her ketchup like uncle d!


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