Monday, July 31, 2017

4th of July Fun!

So I am almost a month late in posting the fourth of July Pictures!  But I promised myself I would post them to my blog during the month of July!  Today is the 31st...No rush right.  What a fantastic party we had!  It was by far the biggest party we had and I loved every minute of it. 
We have been hosting 4th of July since 2008!  Almost a decade.  Crazy.  Each year it is a tradition that I buy a piñata for the kids to destroy.  As the kiddos have grown bigger, it has become a challenge to find a piñata that will at least allow the kids to each have a turn.  This year's piñata did NOT disappoint!  The cheeseburger piñata held up to many rounds of each kiddo getting a turn hitting it.  Looking for a great piñata... you can find this one at Target for 14.99.  :)

Even the babies got in on the fun!
The piñata line grew this year.  The kids line up youngest to oldest.  Except Matthew was more interested in my cup than hitting the piñata. 

Friends and Family
Fun with water!
300 water balloon!


B in Grace's dress from years past.

He wasn't scared of the fireworks during the day...but his little nerves couldn't handle it at night when they were all going off at the same time.
Firework time!

She held a sparkler!  She hasn't had anything to do with fireworks since the "incident" of 2014!  Way to be brave B!
I was exhausted when it was over...but it was a good exhausted.  I have been reminded over and over these past couple of months how wonderful it is to have family and friends that are there for you when you need someone to hold you up.  I've also been reminded that God is good.  I look around at the blessings God has given our family and I see God's goodness.  I look at the challenges we face daily, and some of our darker moments this year (skin cancer) and I still see God's goodness.  Him alerting me to something that needed medical attention, strength to advocate for my kids, faith to face the "what if's" and to continue on with the realities of the unknown.  In all of the good, and the mess (and my life is messy) all of it...God still remains good.  He is unchanging.  His faithfulness unwavering.  And.I.Need.Him.  I watched littles hold hands, wave sparklers, eat candy, wear glow sticks, and I sat back holding my son reminded of this one precious life, and the goodness of the One who created it. We really are the luckiest.  What a privilege to have so many wonderful people in our lives.  So on July 4th we celebrated, not only our country's freedom, the gift of family and friends and God's goodness. 

Week #28 & 29 @ The Dahlhouse Vacation Edition

Week #28 was one that was spent around the house.  A lot of down time and preparation of posters for the Clark County Fair 4-H group we are involved in.    Matthew still lets me rock him to sleep, so I try and soak up every minute of his babyhood.  Time is passing quickly and he now far resembles a toddler than an infant. 

The beginning of week #29 we packed up the Dahlhouse and headed on vacation.  Our first stop was Bend, Oregon.  We stayed at the Seventh Mountain Resort.  Lots of fun was had.  I have to admit I was a little zealous with the vacation planning and had way too many activities scheduled for the time we had.  But no problem...we scaled back and did what we wanted to.  The kids swam, played mini golf, disc golf, played on the playground, we hiked down into a lava tube and ate at some great restaurants. 
Mt. Hood
Lots of BNSF trains on the way to Bend.  This one was taken in Madras, Oregon. 
Matthew on our deck.
Eating out in downtown Bend.

Mini golf

About to hike down into the lava cave.

Yes we took the babe.  Mark hiked all three miles while wearing Matthew.  My favorite moment was when we made it to the very end and Matthew then decided to scream/cry the entire way out.  LOL.  Mark was moving very fast toward the light!  LOL.  Matthew is such a trooper.  He just goes along with whatever crazy adventure we have in mind.

We wore him out though!

A really cool Mt. Bachelor gondola right outside where we were having lunch. 
Part 2 of trip was spent at Great Wolf Lodge.  I got a great deal on a package during the summer.  We went on week night and had a blast.  Wolf ears all around!
Matthew's toys go everywhere with us.
Noodles are this kiddos love language...right after water.
We introduced our kids to a buffet. 
Bella "enjoyed" the concept!  Those are her THREE plates!

My precious babes!  We really our the luckiest!
Story time in PJ's.
More wolf ears!
Pool time and a ba-ba equals happy!

Magi quest was absolutely hands-down Luke's favorite thing!  He was hyper focused on it.  They have already been begging us to take them back.  Since Great Wolf Lodge sent me another coupon for staying with them...I went ahead and booked a fun Kid Kabin room for their birthdays in March!  We really had a good time and Matthew actually slept at Great Wolf Lodge.  Summer is the best~

Life At The Dahlhouse: Disneyland Style

In November, we were able to take a family vacation to Disneyland and to visit my brother, David and sister, Katie.  We enjoyed several m...