Sunday, September 8, 2019

Back To School: Dahlhouse Style 2019-2020


This past Thursday the little Dahl’s started back to school.  Little Man Cub will begin school on Tuesday, September the 3rd.  I have calculated that on Thursday the 5th,  I will have a three hour break without any kiddos.  That hasn’t happened...well....ever that they have all been in school at one time.  I am not even sure what I will do with myself, but I am certain I will think of something.

Luke started 10th grade at River Homelink, Grace will be completing her 8th grade year at Cornerstone Christian Academy.  Bella is in 3rd grade at River Homelink, and Man Cub in preschool at Maple Grove elementary.

I am happy to report that everyone had a great first day; although I am a little nervous about Matthew’s first day of preschool.  I’m unsure of which of us will be doing the most crying. I keep telling myself that he will adjust and so will I.  Such a big step for this little guy (and me).  My last little bird to venture to preschool.  Time flies my friends.  I am very happy that he will get extra help in the areas where he is delayed.  This brings me peace.  I can help Matthew in a lot of ways, but creating a classroom with other children and other adults is something that I cannot do.

Bella did really well on her first day.  She hasn’t been in a classroom since February.  Due to her struggles with anxiety, we completed her 2nd grade year at home and focused on getting her professional help from a trained therapist.  She made a lot of progress and was ready to take on her new school (which is an alternative learning experience). Half the week is spent at school and half the week is spent at home.  It is a good stepping stone to having her return to the classroom full time in a year or so.

Grace was happy to return her friends and school at Cornerstone.  After much prayer and talking, Mark and I felt like this was the best thing for Grace.  She will get to finish her middle school experience with her group of friends at Cornerstone and graduate in June.  I can't really explain it only that it felt like the right thing.

Luke is at River Homelink this year as a Sophomore.  This school offers such a great program that is perfect for him.  He gets IEP help and tutoring on Wednesdays and has a great schedule with teachers he loves.  It is shaping up to be a great school year.

Life At The Dahlhouse: Disneyland Style

In November, we were able to take a family vacation to Disneyland and to visit my brother, David and sister, Katie.  We enjoyed several m...