Saturday, January 30, 2010

30.5 weeks & Friendship

Things with this pregnancy continue to go well. I was worried last week when I failed my 1 hour glucose test. So...I had the privilege of going back to the hospital for the 3 hour glucose test (where they draw your blood 4 different times). The doctor's office called yesterday and let me know that the test results were normal!!! I DO NOT have gestational diabetes. I am very relieved and happy!

God continues to answer my prayers in ways I wouldn't expect. A sweet, sweet friend of mine, let me borrow all of her maternity clothes. I had no sooner finished apologizing to my staff assistants at work as they would be watching me repeat wearing my clothes (and yes I wash them) because they are expensive and I didn't want to spend more money on something I would wear for only a few more months, and my sweet friend offered me her maternity clothes. She also brought me fun pregnancy books, magazines to read during my 3 hour glucose test, and bought babydahl her first dolly.

Friday, January 29, 2010

4 Years Ago

I was talking with my sister Audra on the phone last night, and she reminded me that they just celebrated their 4 year wedding anniversary. My first thought was "I totally spaced it" (what a good sister am I) which I aplogized for (pregnancy brain), and my second thought was I can't believe it has been 4 years. Luke was 2 years old in their wedding. The above picture is him as a ring bearer in Uncle Thom and Aunt Audra's wedding. I can't believe he was that little. Time really does go by so fast. He is almost 7 years old now.

This is Grace 4 years ago, on the day we welcomed her home (well this picture was actually taken in March) but close enough. I can see the mischievousness in her eyes even at 13 months old. She is almost 5 years old now. The one thing I do know...when this new baby arrives, I am going to blink and she is going to be 13 months old. I keep do you slow time down to enjoy every second? I don't want to miss a thing. That is why today I officially resigned .5 of my teaching position. I will continue as a half-time employee of the Vancouver School District, but officially give up half of my position. Technically this year I was on leave from half my position. I thought I had one more year I could take on leave before "officially resigning", but I thought I wrong. Oh well.

Friday, January 22, 2010

29 Weeks and Counting.... (Happy 3rd Trimester)'s official...I am uncomfortable, in pain and miserable. I actually feel pretty good in the morning, but feel like I am 300 pounds by the evening. I had another doctor appointment this last week. Things are going well. Baby is growing on target. My blood pressure was a little high, but they are just going to monitor it for now. Part of the issue is that I get so nervous every time I go to the office. I got to drink the glucose drink and have my blood drawn for gestational diabetes. I haven't heard the results yet, but I am praying I pass.

Mark finished painting and moving the kids bedrooms around. What a big project! I couldn't have done any of that by myself. Things are moving along and time is going by quite quickly. I am excited for my baby shower in February. The rooms aren't completely done yet, but here are some pictures of the progress so far.

What the World Needs...

less obsession over current hair style trends....and more 4 year old hair cuts!

Monday, January 11, 2010

I'm Back...

I took a little break from blogging. The Christmas season started to get wild and blogging took a back seat, but I am back. Well...for starters everyone probably wants to know how the baby is doing...She is doing great. Currently I am almost 28 weeks pregnant. I had another ultrasound (#7) last month before Christmas and she was measuring a few days ahead and looking great. I have another appointment in a week and they will be testing my glucose this time. It is always some fun test that they are wanting to do on me when I go to the doctors. Baby is moving and kicking ALOT!!! Sometimes it feels like she is trying to jump out of my skin. Yesterday during church she was kicking me and my whole belly was moving. I am pretty uncomfortable at this point and very tired. A sweet friend of mine let me borrow all her maternity clothes. What a blessing because I had 2 pairs of pants. I normally wouldn't do this but many have asked for a belly is the most recent. I was 26 weeks. I am carrying the baby all up front. Complete strangers love to tell me that I must be due anytime now. "No, not until early April".

The kids had a great Christmas and thoroughly spoiled. Christmas Eve we had Mark's side of the family over and Christmas Day we spent with my mom and my brother, and his finance Katie. Here are a few pictures.

Life At The Dahlhouse: Disneyland Style

In November, we were able to take a family vacation to Disneyland and to visit my brother, David and sister, Katie.  We enjoyed several m...